Ilhabela Tours - Experience the nature of the island

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Ilha das Cabras in Ilhabela - Tours
island-city diving

Tours in Ilhabela

About Ilhabela

With incredible beaches, the city of Ilha Bela is the destination for those looking for ecotourism and rest days.

Located on the north coast, the island is surrounded by Atlantic forest and has more than 80% of its area preserved by the Ilha Bela State Park.

As an archipelago, the region has several shipwrecks, which promotes a strong tradition for diving.

Frequently Asked Questions Ilhabela

The main route is through the ferry that leaves São Sebastião and works as a transport that connects the mainland and the island.
On the north coast, the beaches face the mainland and have calmer waters. The south coast has open and rough seas, perfect for sports such as surfing.
With more than 40 beaches, Praia do Bonete is perfect for those who want to surf and is located in the southern part of the city of Ilha Bela. Other options are: Praia de Castelhanos, Praia do Julião and Praia da Feiticeira.
In addition to the historic center, the best region to stay is the northern region. Some options are Praia do Perequê, Barra Velha and Praia da Armação.
Despite being focused on ecotourism, if you enjoy the nightlife, there are a few options available. Among bars and clubs, there is the Sea Club, Estaleiro Bar and Kalango Bar Café.
To get to know the city of Ilha Bela well, the recommended time is 5 days. During this time, you can get to know the archipelago, take a walk along the shore, stroll through the historic center, in addition to the trails.
Baptism Dive in Arvoredo Island

Certification courses in Ilhabela

No prior experience required and in just one weekend, you can become an internationally accredited diver. Learn more about our courses.

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