Best places to dive in Maragogi

Best places to dive in Maragogi

Maragogi is a well-known destination for bathers and tourists who go to Alagoas to discover the coast.!. In addition to the resorts and the crystalline waters that made the place known as the Brazilian Caribbean, Maragogi is also an important diving spot.

Those who still don't know details about diving in Maragogi will love to learn about the best spots to dive and everything that can be seen under the sea in one of the most beautiful states in the country.

maragogi diving


Why visit Maragogi

Maragogi is a city in the state of Alagoas, about an hour and a half from Maceió, which has already become one of the most sought after destinations in the state, including those who are passing through the region.

One of the biggest attractions of Maragogi are the colorful coral reefs that make the place a true scenario of soap operas for those who come to bathe or dive.

Maragogi's sand is very white, which makes up, with transparent waters, incredible natural pools for those who don't like to swim in the sea with lots of waves.

It is also very common to take a buggy ride through the local dunes, a tour that can be complemented by the incredible cuisine of Maragogi, one of the most incredible in the state.

Discover all the experiences of the region in Maragogi tour.

 Best diving spots in Maragogi


Those who visit Maragogi can invest in diving in the crystalline waters of the place and enjoy all the beauty of the seabed and the marine life that is exuberantly presented!

Check out the best diving spots in Maragogi and plan a route through the northeast of Brazil and have fun with one of the most fantastic sports there is!

  • Xareu beach

Praia de Xaréu is very close to the coast of Maragogi, about eight kilometers and fifteen minutes by car are enough for those who want to do one of the most beautiful dives in Brazil.

In addition to the great diving options, Xaréu is still surrounded by beautiful colorful summer houses, which make the local scenery an excellent option for those who want to spend their vacations or holidays in a different and very picturesque place.


The biggest advantage of visiting Xaréu is the natural lagoon that forms at low tide, allowing bathers to walk in shallow waters up to several meters into the sea.

The lagoon is formed thanks to the coral reefs that are already characteristic of the region and that form a dam for the sea water that is retained in the place whenever the tide goes out.

The only care to be taken when visiting the lagoon is not to take objects that could spoil when wet, since it is possible to put the beach chair and go with the whole family into the low lagoon.

  • Welsh

The Galés are, without a doubt, the most suitable places for diving in Maragogi and also the most common to be found in tour agencies or sought after by professional divers.

Galés are the famous natural pools in Maragogi, considered the largest formations of this type in the entire state of Alagoas.

These formations make the place a true natural aquarium with crystal clear waters and abundant marine life with varied crustaceans, schools of colorful fish, molluscs and many colorful corals that make the seabed a real spectacle.

In general, dives usually take place in the early hours of the day while the tide is still low and favors diving to appreciate all the beauty that the seabed in this region can offer.

maragogi diving

Other dive sites near Maragogi

As Maragogi is not that big and the best diving options are Galés and Xaréu, many divers choose to take diving itineraries in other nearby cities on the coast of Alagoas, which can be covered easily in a few hours.

In addition to being a magnificent state in terms of beaches and natural beauty, diving in Alagoas means getting to know the seabed with the greatest amount of corals and diversity of marine life in the Northeast.

Whoever dives there is delighted with the crystal clear waters and all the beauty of the animal and plant life of the seabed! Check out other excellent diving options to include in your itinerary when you go to Maragogi!

Find out about our experience in Maragogi diving.

  • paripueira

Paripueira is just 30 kilometers from the capital, Maceió, and is another excellent option for diving in natural pools. Paripueira is a great option for those who want to scuba dive and are starting to practice or already have some experience.

The natural pools of the site are less than 3 kilometers from the coast, so it is not necessary to navigate great distances to reach the dive site.

An important characteristic of Paripueira, as well as of the entire state of Alagoas, is that the sea waters are quite warm, with average temperatures of 30 degrees at almost all times of the year.

This is one more reason why most dive trips are very early, so the morning sun is softer and avoids very high tides and rough seas.

In Paripueira the seabed with abundant marine life can present regions with sand, but also with limestone formation and coral reefs.

  • French Beach

Those who don't miss the chance to visit shipwrecks that always give the place an air of history and new marine life, since animals and plants use what were boats to create passages and settle in, can really enjoy diving at Praia do Francês .

In the place there are two famous ships, one of them was the one that gave name to the place, a French ship that sank in 1624, therefore, one of the oldest in the Brazilian seas that can be visited.

The French vessel was so large that its anchor alone was four meters long and could still be seen at the bottom of the sea.

Another underwater visit that is very worthwhile is the English ship wrecked, which took tiles to the Brazilian coast and which can be seen with its anchors, hull and other parts intact under the sea of Alagoas.

The depth can reach 30 meters in some places, so diving with full equipment is recommended.

maragogi diving

Tips for novice divers

Those who are interested in diving, but still haven't had the inspiration to start, can check out these tips and take the opportunity to create your itinerary through Maragogi and the coast of Alagoas, a beautiful place to start!

In these tips we will talk specifically about scuba diving, which is diving with equipment at greater depths and which guarantees the diver a complete experience at the bottom of the sea, with discoveries of marine animals, impressive habitats and a very fun sport.

  • breathe normally

A very important tip for beginners is to breathe normally with the equipment. It may seem obvious, but it's not. We tend to hold our breath when we dive, either out of habit or because we are not yet used to diving equipment, which allows breathing underwater.

The ideal is to breathe in a continuous flow, which can be controlled through the bubbles that come out when the diver breathes. Try to remember never to hold your breath while diving.

  • Equalization

The diver's ears suffer the pressure of the sea floor and the deeper, the more subject to the pressure we are.

Thus, equalizing the ears is essential to avoid pain and complications in the ear due to the difference in internal and external pressure that occurs with relatively rapid descent.

Equalizing the ears is quite simple: the diver just covers the nostrils with his fingers and blows the air, without forcing too much, with the nose completely covered.

It's the same movement we make when we travel to mountainous regions and feel like we're hearing poorly because of the pressure.

  • Leave the mask clean

The mask must be cleaned under water when a little water enters that interferes with the diver's breathing. Even in the case of dives in murky waters, you will need to let some clean water enter the mask and then come out.

There are still some places and times when the mask tends to be blurry and for these cases the ideal is to clean it in the same way: letting a little water in and then out.

At first glance it may seem complicated, but with the proper guidance these procedures can be learned and performed with ease.

  • Buoyancy

We all have the ability and tendency to float when we enter the water. The scuba diver needs to learn to leave this neutral ability to stay at the bottom of the sea.

In order to avoid floating, the diving equipment includes a balancing vest, which releases the air and thus loses some of the ability to float.

This skill is one of the most developed in diving courses and monitoring.

As you can see, diving is not as complex as it may seem. Just rely on the right equipment and good professionals.

Don't miss the chance to dive in one of the most beautiful states in the Northeast of Brazil and enjoy all the beauties of Maragogi at the bottom of the sea!

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Common questions

To dive, you don't need any previous experience, not even knowing how to swim! During the baptism dive, the accredited instructor stays with you, ensuring safety and greater quality for your trip.

You don't need to know anything to scuba dive for the first time. 
The diving equipment has its own buoyancy system and you will also be accompanied by an instructor 100% of the time.

The official minimum age for a child to have their first diving experience is 10 years old, the same age for taking certification courses. There is no maximum age limit for diving.

Diving is a very quiet sport, but it is still a sport and requires some attention. If all good practices and precautions are followed, diving is considered one of the safest adventure sports in the world.

Baptism diving is a modality for beginners, with no need for experience and full monitoring by an instructor.
Certified diving is diving that requires a diving certification.
Scuba Diving is the process of acquiring a scuba diving certification.

Clinical conditions of heart and respiratory diseases, convulsions and diabetes treated with insulin can make diving impossible, consult a specialized doctor. Diving with flu, colds, nasal congestion or eardrum perforation is not recommended. Pregnant women cannot dive.

Sure! There is a separate fee for companions. By clicking on “Consult Agenda”, select the option “companion + snorkel”, complete equipment is offered for snorkeling (surface diving).

Yes, our system is fully integrated through our website. By completing the online reservation, your spot will be guaranteed and you will receive all the necessary information via email at the same time.

For diving, 3mm or 5mm neoprene clothing is provided to maintain body heat and temperature. 

We always seek to work with our best value, since very competitive in the market given the quality of service offered, with state-of-the-art equipment and highly qualified and accredited instructors.
Even for large groups this is the value we practice. We also offer differentiated payment conditions, pay in up to 3 installments without interest your dive.

We have diving suits for people weighing up to 110kg to 130kg. It will depend on the dive site, consult us on whatsapp.

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