Best places to dive in Porto de Galinhas

Best places to dive in Porto de Galinhas

Porto de Galinhas is a well-known destination for anyone looking to find a paradise in the Brazilian Northeast. A true mixture of a small village, but with a sophisticated structure for tourists, the place has also become a well-known spot for diving.

Anyone who doesn't want to miss the opportunity to dive in very clear waters and get to know the seabed of Porto de Galinhas, with all the richness of the local marine life, needs to check out the best information about the diving spots found there!

chicken harbor diving

Why dive in Porto de Galinhas?

That the practice of diving is in full expansion is no secret to anyone, after all, just look at the amount of offers on tours that include diving experiences and agencies specializing in courses to have the dimension of how much this sport has become in demand in recent times. .

And there is no shortage of reasons for diving to become so well known and practiced in our country, which has one of the longest coastlines in the world and has beautiful places in the sea that can be explored and observed for contact with marine life.

Porto de Galinhas is, without a doubt, one of those places where it is worth getting to know the surface and the bottom of the sea. See the most recommended and well-known diving spots in the place and make an itinerary to dive in the Brazilian Northeast.

Port of Chickens
  • Porto de Galinhas swimming pools

Porto de Galinhas is a place with abundant presence of coral reefs that form walls that retain beautiful natural pools, located about 200 meters from the beach.

With excellent visibility, the natural pools of Porto de Galinhas are excellent for both free diving and scuba diving.

Discover the full experience at Porto de Galinhas diving.

Scuba diving, made with equipment, is widely practiced in Boca da Barra and Poço da Paixão, both offering excellent visibility, which reaches fifteen meters on better days.

Boca da Barra allows diving up to 12 meters deep and has the immense advantage of offering dives during the day or at night, an impressive experience.

Imagine being under the Porto de Galinhas sky and diving into the local marine life at night, viewing the mysterious local marine life, with great opportunities for unforgettable photos!

The Paixão well has conditions very similar to those of Boca da Barra, including the possibility of observing lobsters, flounder, octopus and other marine animals.

  • Cake

Those who want to dive at greater depths cannot miss the chance to dive in Bolo, a place well known by divers for reaching almost 25 meters deep in some points.

The name of the place is due to the fact that it is formed by a slab of reefs in the shape of a cake, rounded and visible and that can be explored with all its richness of marine life by those who dive through the place.

The great attraction for divers are the stingrays that can be observed among other species, such as moray eels, at almost all times of the year!

chicken harbor diving
  • 30 meters

The place is also called Laje dos Trinta and gets its name precisely because of the depth of thirty meters that can reach the sea at the place.

The biggest attraction of the place are the big teeth, very interesting animals that usually live in places where moray eels and stingrays can also be observed.

  • Shipwrecks in Porto de Galinhas

About fifteen kilometers away from the natural pools formed in Porto de Galinhas, the wreckage of a famous ship wrecked on the spot can be found, which has become an important diving point for the exploration of marine life.

During World War II, the vessel Gonçalo Coelho was used by the United States for a war mission, being bought by a Brazilian company in the 70s of the last century, being used for cargo transport.

During one of the journeys, in 1999, it sank 14 kilometers off the coast of Porto de Galinhas, later becoming an underwater attraction for divers who come to the place to see the vessel.

The ship is located at a depth that varies between 25 and 32 meters and, together with other vessels, form a set of artificial reefs that have become habitats for marine life.

The other very famous shipwreck in Porto de Galinhas is the Galeão, already much older, shipwrecked in a mysterious way more than 300 years ago.

It is known that the ship must have been a cargo vessel because the rest of the wood was on the bottom, along with its rubble, which can still be seen in dives, accompanied by its huge anchors.

As Porto de Galinhas became an important diving point, another vessel was wrecked on purpose to become a visiting point for divers.

This is the tugboat Marte, which has been at a depth of 30 meters since 1998, 12 kilometers from the coast. The visibility of the site is excellent, reaching 30 meters in warmer seasons.

  • tacaíba

Tacaíba is a suitable place for diving by practitioners with some technique, since it has a current that can be a complicating factor for those who are still starting to practice diving.

Tacaíba is formed by a slab of coral reefs located two kilometers off the coast of Porto de Galinhas and offers a beautiful view of corals, passing fish, smaller colored fish and many sea sponges.

The site reaches a depth of 18 meters, but it is really the influence of currents that requires a certain care when diving in the place.

  • gas ship

This is one of the vessels that can be seen diving in Porto de Galinhas, which seems to have already become a trend there.

The Navio do Gás is a vessel that sank on the spot in 1959 and carried butane gas that was going from Salvador to Rio Grande do Norte. The ship belonged to Ceará Gás Butano and had its axis broken when facing a very strong storm, being driven by the capital to the closest to the coast that it could, rescuing the crew.

It is possible to dive to visit the Navio do Gás in the area outside the reefs, just over 500 meters from the beach in the center!

chicken harbor diving

Scuba diving facts

Scuba diving is the type of diving done with equipment that allows breathing underwater for some time, which allows the diver to stay diving for much longer and reach important depths.

In Brazil, which has many of the most beautiful beaches in the world, scuba diving is increasingly sought after by people who want to know the bottom of the sea and practice an incredible sport that can be the starting point for truly impressive discoveries.

But those who want to start the diving path may like to know some tips and curiosities about scuba diving that you may not even have imagined! Follow up!

  • Normal breathing underwater

This is the biggest advantage of scuba diving in relation to other techniques, it is not necessary to hold your breath, which normally happens thanks to the equipment used during the exploration of the seabed!

The air cylinder is, in fact, a piece of equipment with compressed air and a respirator that guarantee breathing autonomy during the dive with safe margins for the practice of the sport.

  • Even those who don't swim can dive

This is really the biggest curiosity in the world of scuba diving! While some prior contact with the water is desirable, you don't need to know how to swim to dive!

The equipment used for diving, such as fins, special clothing and a buoyancy device, guarantee the diver the proper movement under the water, without the need for him to have swimming skills.

  • ● It is possible to rent the equipment

As diving is becoming more and more popular, many agencies now offer the possibility of renting complete equipment for scuba diving, but it may also be that the diver wants to acquire at least the basics so as not to depend on going to an agency to rent it. whenever you want to dive.

However, those who do not dive so often can count on this possibility, considering the advantage of always having qualified professionals to provide guidance on the best diving spots and other specificities of the place.

Whoever decides to buy the equipment only needs to take care of the quality of the product purchased, since safety during diving needs to be non-negotiable, after all, this is an incredible sport, but it is practiced many meters under the sea!

If you have followed the best spots to dive in Porto de Galinhas and are thinking about the diving route for the next trips, be sure to check out the famous shipwrecks of the place and enjoy all the diving tips given in the text! Make diving your vacation sport!

see all Porto de Galinhas tours.

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Common questions

To dive, you don't need any previous experience, not even knowing how to swim! During the baptism dive, the accredited instructor stays with you, ensuring safety and greater quality for your trip.

You don't need to know anything to scuba dive for the first time. 
The diving equipment has its own buoyancy system and you will also be accompanied by an instructor 100% of the time.

The official minimum age for a child to have their first diving experience is 10 years old, the same age for taking certification courses. There is no maximum age limit for diving.

Diving is a very quiet sport, but it is still a sport and requires some attention. If all good practices and precautions are followed, diving is considered one of the safest adventure sports in the world.

Baptism diving is a modality for beginners, with no need for experience and full monitoring by an instructor.
Certified diving is diving that requires a diving certification.
Scuba Diving is the process of acquiring a scuba diving certification.

Clinical conditions of heart and respiratory diseases, convulsions and diabetes treated with insulin can make diving impossible, consult a specialized doctor. Diving with flu, colds, nasal congestion or eardrum perforation is not recommended. Pregnant women cannot dive.

Sure! There is a separate fee for companions. By clicking on “Consult Agenda”, select the option “companion + snorkel”, complete equipment is offered for snorkeling (surface diving).

Yes, our system is fully integrated through our website. By completing the online reservation, your spot will be guaranteed and you will receive all the necessary information via email at the same time.

For diving, 3mm or 5mm neoprene clothing is provided to maintain body heat and temperature. 

We always seek to work with our best value, since very competitive in the market given the quality of service offered, with state-of-the-art equipment and highly qualified and accredited instructors.
Even for large groups this is the value we practice. We also offer differentiated payment conditions, pay in up to 3 installments without interest your dive.

We have diving suits for people weighing up to 110kg to 130kg. It will depend on the dive site, consult us on whatsapp.

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Knowledge about different areas of diving, curiosities and diving spots.

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